This whole endeavour started from a crazy idea. Mike and myself were on our way back from a trail ride last summer and started talking about building frames, it was something that the both have us have always dreamed about for the longest time but neither of us have ever done anything about it. Well, it must has been some conversation in that car because the second that I got home the computer fired up and I started to do some "homework". I think I must have gone to every custom manufacturers website to try and wrap my head around it all. A few months have passed and the conversation always comes back to the same topics but on a much different scale. Last week over a few beers we were talking about tube sourcing and specific diameters, design software, building a website, decal fonts and of course Mike's favourite integrated post's. So here I sit, another day off waking up in front of the computer, instead of scouring cycling news and velonews I'm playing around with 29'er race geometry, drinking a coffee and I've got a Lemans documentary playing in the background. I fully realize that we are getting a little ahead of ourselves considering my course is a little over a year away but I wan't this to succeed. I don't wan't this to turn out to be just another crazy idea. Website should be up soon.