Jigg action
Spring has sprung.
Well, spring has finally sprung and along with it has come stupid busy days at the shop, long road rides and getting dropped at O-cup road races. With the shop running full pace and the weather in our favour I have been guilty of putting the blog on the back burner for the past few weeks. A few things have been in the works over the past month or so, mainly the decision to jump in balls deep and build up two prototype/practice frames. Mike has sold off most of what wasn't bolted down in his basement to get material to build a jig and I sold off my beloved cross frame to get us some tubing and lugs. The jig is almost done from what I can tell from the daily blackberry messenger updates (see photo). The plan was originally to build single speed cross bikes but that evolved to geared bikes to integrated seat post geared bikes and now I'm thinking about using the tubes to build a road bike and integrate my Di2 group into the frame. I'm pretty sure that Mike will pull off an integrated seatpost cross bike and I will more than likely end up with one balling road bike. Anyways, the tubes should arrive some time this week so updates and pics will shortly follow.